Enneagram Journey
The Enneagram Journey explores the world through lenses of 9 different personality types. Understanding ourselves and how we relate to others can clarify motivations, improve communications, and enhance corporate culture.
A message from your instructor
Before you begin the journey...
Next steps
An Explanation of the Enneagram
Explore the Enneagram
Enneagram #1: The Reformer
Enneagram #2: The Helper
Enneagram #3: The Performer
Enneagram #4: The Individualist
Enneagram # 5: The Investigator
Enneagram #6: The Loyalist
Enneagram #7: The Enthusiast
Enneagram # 8: The Challenger
Enneagram #9: The Peacemaker
Characteristics of each Type ~ Shadow Self
The Triad-Similarities
The Stances - differences
Before you go...
Instructor Bio:
Instructor Bio: